Thursday, April 21, 2011

Today we talked about Peter.

What do we already know about him?
He was in the sailboat when Jesus first called him to be a disciple.
He wanted his whole body washed, not just his feet.
He denied Jesus three times.

We read the last part of John 21.
Why do you think Jesus asked Peter if he loved Jesus three times?

Peter was forgiven. Peter was asked to serve Jesus by taking care of other Christians.

We can share that forgiveness and care with others too.

We are making Easter cards to give to someone who might need encouragement.

Side note: Though we were focusing on Peter today, we also noticed John was following along, listening to the conversation. And John wrote it down in his Gospel. That's pretty cool. We also noticed the last verse. Jesus did so many other things that are not even written. We think that is pretty cool too.

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