LENT. When I asked my kids, "What is Lent?" I got these answers.
My five year old said, "What? I don't know."
My eight year old said, "It's where you fast or give up something."
5yr, "I run really fast."
8yr, "It's like Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is not fun and Lent is not fun."
5yr, "It rhymes with BENT!"
My eleven year old said, "Lent is a time to focus on God and set aside other things in the world."
Lots of questions came up! Why do we give up things during lent? Why do we put ashes on our heads? Do other people give things up too?
We started a great discussion today that I hope will continue through the entire season. Then, 11yr said, "Let's send a blog so other people can do this too!"
So we are starting this lent devotion blog. Every day, we will share what we do or talk about. You can do and talk about the same things. Then tell us what you learned (or what you found funny). We are not experts. We are a family who loves Jesus and wants to learn more about him so we can serve him. And we are guessing you are the same kind of family!
Ask your kids what they think LENT is all about! Tell us about it. And, look for our next post on Ash Wed.
13 year old, " it's Jesus last days, before His death."
11 year old, " the time before Jesus died on the cross for our sins."
We will be doing the evening prayer out of the new Lutheran Hymnal and the readings for lent will be our Bible readings each night. We are with you all in the family of Christ even though we are 1500 miles apart. Blessings to you this Lent season.
I have such an amazing wife. She does such a great job with our kids.
5 year old: "We light candles." I think he is thinking of Advent. :)
8 year old: "I don't why, but it makes me think of Easter -- Easter eggs." I think she means the 12 eggs that tell the Easter story.
9 year old: "It's the season that comes before Easter. I think the color is purple."
We talked about the meaning of Lent and why we celebrate. I have tons of resources that I have been using over the years as we begin this journey again!
Thanks for sharing! Let us know how your devotions are a blessing toyou @Joy I love the way technology helps keep the famiy of God in contact with each other. @Michele Love your kids' comments!
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